Over 40 years, Save A Heart Foundation helped train more than forty-five cardiologists who are the backbone of Israeli cardiology.
Professor Doron Zahger
Director, Department of Cardiology
Soroka University Medical Center
Beer Sheva, ISRAEL
President Elect 2018 Israel Heart Society
He was a Fellow in 1992-1994
Professor/Doctor Doron Zahger studied medicine at the Technion in Haifa. He then trained in medicine and cardiology at Hadassah medical Center in Jerusalem. After Professor/Doctor Zahger completed his Save A Heart fellowship he returned to Hadassah as a staff cardiologist. In 2001 Professor/Doctor Zahger moved to Soroka medical Center in Beer Sheva as CCU director and in 2015 he became director of cardiology in this institution.

A Night of Flamingo Guitar
A unique and passionate performance that you will never forget!
Save a Heart Foundation is celebrating its 40th Anniversary with a fundraiser event in a Moroccan style home in Hollywood Hills.